CS4700.02 Incremental Game Project by Benjamin Mai, Marcos Herrera



If you enjoyed The Cookie Clicker Game, you are in for even more fun! Progress throughout the game to unlock different kinds of fruits, and earn cash to become the best farmer ever. Tired of waiting too long to get rich? Buy those upgrades to ensure that picking fruit would be less tiring, and reach the max score to retire early throughout the year. 


How To Play:

MAX SCORE TO WIN: $50,000,000

Mechanics: Fruits are Clickable, Upgrades are Clickable, and Unlocking Fruits can be done by clicking on the "Lock" Icon underneath each fruit.

1.) You start off with a single dollar, which only allows you to unlock the Apple. You will simulate picking the Apple by "clicking on it" in order to gain more money. With the amount of money you have, you can buy the the Arrow Upgrade that allows you to increase the value of the current fruit. An alternative is being able to purchase the Rapid Hands Upgrade that allows you to automatically earn a certain amount per second. 

2.) Once you save up enough money, you are able to purchase the Orange for $100. Once this is unlocked, you would do the same thing  as step 1. Aside from incrementing  the Orange and unlocking the upgrades for it, you do have the  option to still click on the Apple and purchase upgrades for it just as well.

3.) Last but not least, you can unlock the Banana once you hit the $10,000 mark. You do the same thing as step 1 but now you have the option to still click on both the Orange and Apple. As you increment towards the max score, you notice that you have to purchase more upgrades to reach the score faster.  Compared to the last two fruits, this segment of the game is a lot more challenging.

4.) Once you win, you automatically become the world's best farmer!

Development log


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with an auto clicker you can finish in 1 minute lol, still a nice game

Though this blue and yellow is really rough on the eyes.

Was pretty cool man