Final version of "The Emperor and King"!

                  Throughout the process of creating this game, both Marcos and I decided to play other Twine games to see if ours is just as engaging and story-rich as the others. We spent hours planning out the dialogue and plot on a google document before diving deep into the techniques. Among the ones we learned in class included the foldback and contextual change upon returning on a page/passage. We ensured to make the game as interesting as possible while allowing players to relax as they read throughout our visual narrative.  There are also two possible endings for the players to choose from, and they absolutely do have the option to look from both perspectives of the main characters. Our game is inspired by many fantasy movies and novels, but we tried to keep ours original.  If there is positive feedback, we will continue upon this game hopefully in the near future! This game was made mainly for our CS4700.02 Game Development class at Cal Poly Pomona.


Benjamin Mai

CS4700.02 Game Development

Cal Poly Pomona

Contact Information: 


Benjamin_Mai_EmperorandKing_FinalVersion.html Play in browser
Mar 03, 2021

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